Wednesday 24 May 2017

Sunday's Journey West and Lessons

I stopped for breakfast ust beyond Kinmare,

It was lo lovely and peaceful,

To watch the sky and the sea, it is so important to just STOP, and notice the present moment.
These trips west are always a great opportunity to reflect on my life. A time to release stress and let go in a big way. I love that I travel alone, the winding roads over the mountains and along the coast allow me time to unwind and just stay present with what ever wants to come up to release. Often there is some issue that needs some loving attention in order to release and these journeys give me the time to do just that.
By the time I reach Castletownbere I'm usually feeling lighter and brighter having released lots of limiting thoughts that had surfaced along the way. One of the most wonderful aspects of releasing is that each time you let go you feel lighter and when you keep letting go it just gets better and better.

Anyway that's just by way of introduction to last Sunday's lessons so now here they are !
Keep up all the good work and I'll see you on June 11'th.

Short Form Lesson

Kick with heel to brush right knee and kick. from ann on Vimeo.

Mini Form

Mini Form front view. from ann on Vimeo.

Mini Form with postures described ( filmed from behind. from ann on Vimeo.

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