Sunday 7 August 2016

Letting Go Workshop Juat 3 Spaces Left

We often ( I being generous here, I really mean mostly ) live our lives based on past experience. Unfortunately our brains are wired to focus on what is wrong or was worng, this means that we are wired to be watchful, afraid of what might go wrong right now and also in our imagined future.
 Is it any wonder that we 'mostly ' keep repeating the same 'Stories' again and again.
When we take the time to do some Self Enquiry through Releasing or Letting Go we can beome conscious of these 'Stories' that are running our lives. We can Release the blocked energy that has been stored in our bodies and liberate ourselves to be present to life's opportunities without the old Stories and fear that had been blinding us.

Letting Go of limiting memories and beliefs allows us to be At Ease and Happy right Now.

Learn to Let Go so you can be present and awake to the wonderful possibilities here in this moment.

Join me on August 13 when we will spend time discovering how life can be more relaxed and easy.

Let Go of your stressful  habits and relax into your natural true nature of peace which is always present and available as soon as we Let Go.

Blackrock Community Centre
Saturday August 13
10:-00am 16:00pm
Cost 35€
To Reserve a space
or phone 0876616800

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