Tuesday 21 July 2015

Mini Form Lessons For T'ai Chi Beginners

A Big Welcome to the new T'ai Chi beginners. This is a great practice to enhance your awareness. With practice you will come to know yourself from the inside out. This is no mean feat and in getting to know yourself you will come to know others in a much deeper and more connected way.
T'ai Chi is a wonderful tool for self enquiry,  when you come to understand your own body you  get to know  your self in a much deeper way.
You will come recognise your own blocks and in learning to handle your own problems,  you will gain compassion and understanding for other people and their struggles to over come their own blocks.
It is a really interesting and rewarding journey, it opened me  up to aspects of life that I might never have found if I had not been awakened through the practice of T'ai Chi.
The listening quality of T'ai Chi practice definitely prepared me for the deep listening that is necessary to be a Reconnective Healer. Before learning T'ai Chi I was too 'asleep' to be able to tune in to subtle energy. T'ai Chi helps our minds to calm down and in the resulting quiet  a lot of sensations that were previously unnoticed come in to awareness and in this way we awaken to the world in many new ways.
So again I welcome you to an amazing opportunity for your own growth and awakening.                                                                       

Beginning Posture of the Mini Form from ann on Vimeo.

Warm up exercises from ann on Vimeo.

Full Mini Form from ann on Vimeo.

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