Thursday 4 December 2014

Unseen Helpers

What a fabulous group of people we have in our Blackrock T'ai Chi Class. Here they are doing the Mini Form led by Anne Marie.
It is so encouraging to see how this group has grown and deepened in the practice. There is no substitute for practice if you want to learn T'ai Chi ( or anything else ), especially if you practice with like minded people , when we get together with the intention of working together to help each other to grow , there is a great energy in the room. On those occasions we feel helped on a much greater scale than if we were working on our own.
 It often feels to me as if past masters come along to help, inspire and encourage us.
I felt that very strongly at last Saturdays Workshop. The 5 hours flew by and it felt as if we were being moulded into shape by unseen forces.
New insights often open up to us on days when we make the extra effort, knowing that encourages us to keep working.
 Looking back over years of training it seems to me that there has always been help from unseen helpers who nudged me forward when the odds seemed stacked against me. At times when rooms were freezing and students lost interest helpers kept my spirits up, encouraged me to try once more to trust the teaching and the practice.
So I encourage you no matter what you practice , invite past masters to your work ask them to guide and direct you and watch how much easier your tasks become.

trim.79406549-DBCF-4F12-9F4C-15799915AFB8 from ann on Vimeo.

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