Friday 22 August 2014

Releasing Our Blocks To Being Present To Our True Nature Tonight In Blackrock

We are meeting this evening to share our experience with releasing and explore some more ways to incorporate Lester's teaching into our daily lives.
Letting Go has certainly helped me in my daily life.  It helps me to become more present and conscious of all that is already working well ,this helps me to stop postponing my happiness until some future date when all my 'problems ' are resolved.  I have noticed that we all tend to postpone our  joy , waiting until some time in the future when we have 'everything  sorted out'. This is a real pity because we often look back thinking things were actually fine  back then when we were within for Now. So it is time to wake up and realise that Now is our time to be happy, to recognise all that we already have and let go of our imagined limitations so we can be awaken  to the amazing possibilities already open to us once we are fully present Now.

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