Wednesday 23 January 2013

What an inspiring email from a Tai Chi friend

Dear Ann
I took a brief look at your website this morning.  I like the simple thought that what we give our minds to will grow, and I have found it true.
I always believed I couldn't sing, although sometimes by myself in the kitchen I recognized that the noise I was making wasn't altogether bad, but if I tried to join in with a carol, I felt I had no idea how to pitch my voice, and just grumbled they always played everything too high.  Then a few years ago - when I was 75 or 76! - I went along to a 'Third Age' group and plucked up the courage to sing.  I kept that up, and was surprised to find my voice revealed itself as stronger than I had imagined, and also I could cope with the high notes.
I've enjoyed it so much, that last September I joined a 'Singing from Scratch'  evening class, because I can go more frequently there, and there is more teaching.  Now, at 81, I've discovered I am a soprano!  It's like a new lease of life, and a whole new persona I didn't suspect was in me.  Around Christmas we did a couple of concerts where all the singing groups perform.  At one of them I was the only soprano who turned up, so I sang the tune and the rest harmonised with me.  I still can't believe it.
Tai Chi is the basis of my singing, not only because of the posture, but because I realised that to reach the high notes I had to relax and sink, as well as projecting out of myself to whoever was listening.
This is a lot about me, and in some ways seems the opposite of what you are saying, but I thought you might be interested .  It is not the amount of time that  we give directly to our interests that is important, is it?  All kinds of things in my life came together once I overcame the fear and led me to what I had always longed to do.  It's never too late.
Best wishes to John and your daughters, and love to you.

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