Thursday 25 October 2012

Here is a  exercise I love  from the Sedona Method hope you enjoy it  too.

Easily allow yourself to  to become aware of your sensory perceptions,
beginning with your sense of hearing. Could you allow yourself to hear,
listen or welcome whatever is being heard in this moment ?

Then while allowing yourself to continue to focus on hearing ;Could you
allow yourself to welcome the silence that surrounds and interpenetrates
whatever is being heard ?

For a few moments switch back and forth between listening to what is
being heard and not heard including your thoughts.

When you are ready , allow yourself to focus on what is be seen.
Could you allow yourself to welcome what is being seen as best you
can ?

Then could you also allow yourself to welcome or notice the space,
or emptiness that surrounds every picture or object, including the
space between the words  here ?

Again alternate between the two perceptions for a few moments.

Next , focus on whatever sensations are arising in your body
this  moment.
Could you allow yourself  to welcome whatever sensation is being
perceived in this moment ?

Then could you allow yourself to welcome the space or absence of
sensation that surrounds every sensation ?

Easily switch back and forth between the two ways of perceiving .

Then could you allow yourself to focus on a particular problem,
and welcome that memory with all the pictures, sounds ,
sensations, thoughts and feelings that are associated with it?

Could you then allow yourself  to notice how most of your
experience happens apart from this particular problem ?

And could you allow yourself to welcome at least the possibility
that this problem is not as all consuming as it has seemed ?

Switch back and forth between welcoming the problem and
all its associated perceptions, and then noticing and welcoming
what is actually here now.

As you do the above you will find yourself gradually gaining a
new sense of clarity about your supposed problems and also
noticing the exquisiteness of what is already here now.

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